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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Officer Involved Domestic Violence: Little Rock Cop Arrested for Assaulting His Own Son

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Donald Woods, 51
Arkansas Police Accountability Project

(Little Rock, AR)  As reported by local news affiliates, a fistfight with his 16 year old son led to the arrest of Little Rock Police Officer, Donald Woods.  According to the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office, Woods was arrested after deputies witnessed his son with a ripped t-shirt, an abrasion on his elbow that was bleeding, a cut on his finger, and a red mark on the side of his neck. Details were released this morning about the incident that happened at the home of officer Donald Woods, 51, Sunday morning near Cabot. Woods was charged with domestic battery, third degree.

According to Advocates for Human Rights, officer involved domestic violence is a serious problem.

Individuals who are the victims of domestic violence at the hands of police officer-batterers are often in a unique and particularly vulnerable situation. Unlike most victims of domestic violence, where the success of protective efforts depends on the cooperation of law enforcement, those subject to abuse from a member of the law enforcement community may, for a variety of reasons, be unable to secure the assistance they seek. And, studies indicate that police families are 2-4 times more likely than the general population to experience domestic violence, making the potential for disparities in protective success particularly troubling. 

Unfortunately, the alleged abuse inflicted by Donald Woods against his own teenage son is not uncommon. Just imagine what someone who would do this to his own child would do to someone else. The increase in police brutality in America is a frightening reality.  In the last decade alone the number of people murdered by police in America has reached 5,000. According to the CATO Institute, you are now 8 times more likely to be killed by a law enforcement officer than a terrorist.  What can we do about it?  Educate ourselves and get involved.

Arkansas Police Accountability Project is seeking volunteers who care about the victims of police violence. We do not "hate" cops.  We want to help improve the current system to hold police accountable and restore confidence in those who are charged with the tremendous responsibility of keeping us safe.  We highlight the achievements of police officers who engage in positive policing activities, who do not violate our rights, who are willing to break the Blue Code of Silence, and who only use violence as a last resort  in accordance with the principle of non aggression.  We also highlight abuses of power and police brutality to shine a light in the darkness in an effort to promote transparency and accountability.  That which is hidden in the darkness can be revealed only when light shines on it.  We value life and the principle of non-aggression.  We do not tolerate anyone who wishes harm to the men and women who serve in law enforcement.  Many of them are victims of a flawed system.  We are interested in volunteers who want make the world a better place for everyone. If interested, please send us a private message on Facebook.

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